Automation in business can help streamline the businesses for simplicity, increase service quality, and achieve digital transformation. It is not hidden that most organizations have now realized the importance of…
Process Automation is a technical term for software and systems where human interference is minimized to a great extent. It streamlines the system which helps in minimizing errors, smoother delivery…
Process Automation by definition is a process in which repeatable tasks are automated for standardization and mitigating for errors which creep in when tasks are repeated manually over long periods…
In a highly decentralized customer centric digital world, automation should be treated as a commodity and not a feature of automation software. Outcomes are the IP of the automation world instead…
“Hyper Automation”, “Integrated Automation”, “Cognitive Automation” are the new Gen Z while RPA, DPA, Chatbots are now officially the Millennial of the automation generation. Every odd year a new set…
Introduction to conversational flow Humans interact using voice, written text, gesture and tonal modes. These interactions can be short, long, carry over from a previous episode, be completely new or…
With the advent of conversational bots, companies are investigating and experimenting with using them in various scenarios both in customer facing as well as internal scenarios. Conversational bots started out…
Came across a recent article about the government mulling introducing its own cryptocurrency on the lines of Bitcoin and other similar products (i call them products and not currency intentionally)…